VaultLAyer's SDK integrates different providers to control both the connected browser wallet used for login and the Smart Vault for Bitcoin and Ethereum Operations:
OKXConnector, UnisatConnector, XverseConnector, EthereumConnector, etc.
React context for the wallet connect modal
connector, provider, accounts, getPublicKey(), signMessage(), getNetwork(), switchNetwork(), sendBitcoin(), sendInscription()
This is the provider for the connected wallet that was used to login. It can only perform transactions supported by the connected wallet.
smartVault, authMethod, vaults, getVaults()
This is the provider for the Smart Vault.
btcNetwork, getNetwork(), switchNetwork(), btcAccounts(), getAccounts(), vaultBtcSigner(), signPsbt(), pushTx(), sendBitcoin(), getUtxos(), getNetworkFee(), getNetworkFees(),
This is the Bitcoin provider for the Smart Vault. It can sign Bitcoin transactions (pstb) and send Bitcoin.
vaultEthWallet, vaultEthClient, getAccounts(), switchEthChain(), chainId, pairToWalletConnect(),
This is the Ethereum provider for the Smart Vault. It can sign EVM transactions and connect to Walletconnect.
Last updated