Lend $CORE
ℹ️ Provide liquidity to Core DAO NFTs borrow requests. Earn LASER Points for lending $CORE.
Last updated
ℹ️ Provide liquidity to Core DAO NFTs borrow requests. Earn LASER Points for lending $CORE.
Last updated
Go to https://app.vaultlayer.xyz/ and Connect with your Ethereum wallet.
⚠️ Make sure to use your Core DAO (EVM or "0x...") address:
Select "Ethereum Wallet" and click "Connect" with your preffered Core DAO wallet:
Click on Liquidity Market:
Scroll down and select any of the Active Loans to place your bid (1% below the asking rate by default).
Check the confirmation pop-up and confirm the bid, loan amount and interest rate and click OK.
Then Confirm theTransaction request in your wallet.
If all went out smoothly, you should get a SUCCESS txId:
At this point the selected borrower will see your bid and can accept it at any time.
Meanwhile it will show in Pending status:
⚠️ You can also cancel your bid from here at any time, as long as it has not been accepted by a borrower.
After the loan is accepted, its Status will switch to Accepted in the Liquidity Market section:
After a borrower has repaid the loan request, you will see the principal plus interest beneath the "Pending To Withdraw" section.
Click on Withdraw:
After clicking Confirm on the transaction, you will get a message confirming your funds have been transferred back to your wallet address: